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The Xinos is a guidance group for young ladies in grades 9 through 12.  We seek to provide these girls with positive role models and mentors that will encourage them towards high academic, moral and social values.  We expose the young ladies to culturally enriching experiences through participation in activities that foster high standards.



Mayola Senior established the first Xinos Chapter in Toledo, Ohio. In that city the group was called TOPS instead of Xinos because the high school there prohibited Greek letter organizations. The aims of the group were to inspire girls to achieve high scholastic records, to furnish guidance, and to enhance their cultural backgrounds. Sorority members worked diligently to achieve these aims.


In 1948, after the annual Conclave held in Newark, New Jersey, Julia A. Barnes, a Founder, aided by Alpha Chapter member Esther Cooke, invited ten high school girls to meet at the home of Founder Barnes to form a Xinos group. Thus, the first chapter east of the Mississippi River was established for Alpha Chapter in Jersey City, New Jersey.

The group grew, and they engaged in many worthwhile activities, including tutoring, discussions on careers, philanthropy, and gifts to the needy at Christmas time, trips to cultural events as well as social gatherings chaperoned by their parents and sorority members.


Nearly all of the chapters of the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc. have Xinos Chapters. Each of the five regions holds its Xinos Regional Conference annually.


The first Beta Theta group was organized in 1959. Beta Theta Xinos hosted the first Far Western Regional Xinos Conference.  The “Little Regional” was held as a forum in which Beta Theta and Beta Nu realized the working of the Xinos was functioning in a most significant role.  The coed workshop presented by the teenagers was most memorable, and out of it evolved our first organized group of teenage boys, under the leadership of Julia Carpenter. The Youth Groups are now called Xinos for girls and Kudos for boys.



The Hub Parents is a parent support group for the Xinos and Kudos. All parents, grandparents and guardians of Xinos and Kudos are welcomed to join.  They combine their efforts be a support not only their high school students but also each other.

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